Episode 175: Happiness is Joy, Not Perfection Solocast

Today’s episode is a solocast sharing what I’ve been writing in terms of defining my own motherhood and what it means to be a Happy Mommy. A huge part has been learning what happiness is NOT (unreachable expectations, money for money’s sake and an unfulfilling career all fall into this category and reflecting on what happiness actually means! Join me and listen :) 

Six Mantras for the Happy Mommy

  1. I have permission to change.

  2. I love and accept myself in this moment.

  3. I deeply and completely honor my feelings.

  4. Money is nice but the goal here is joy.

  5. I release the woman I once was. I let go of the perceptions that she once had. I’m allowed to close that chapter of my life.

  6. Even though changing my situation seems like it will be tough, I can do hard things!

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Email: errinweisman@gmail.com


Book a Call with Errin HERE

Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

Email: errinweisman@gmail.com

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