Episode 120 Favorite Self-Care & Dr. Sheetal Ajmani
Sheetal’s Favorites
Ocean & Nature
Marie Forleo, Oprah, Brene Brown, Tony Robbins
Daily Meditation, Affirmations, Relaxing at the end of the day
Errin’s Favorites
Water & Nature
Sleep & Order
IG/Pinterest can make or break you #selfcaresunday #yougotthis #ladyboss
@authentic_health_movement is my jam!
Rachel Rodgers & Susan Hyatt
Meditation is also my jam and you should check out the REST Technique (Meditation for Busy Doctors) and use the code DOCTORMEFIRST for 10% off and 6 CME credits.
Follow Dr. Ajmani @sheetalajmanimd on IG
If you are ready to join the Doctor Me First Mastermind starting January 2020, sign up HERE!