Episode 182: The System is Designed for Female Physicians to Fail with Dr. Nicole Washington
Nicole Washington, DO, MPH is a board-certified psychiatrist and CMO of Elocin Psychiatric Services. She talks with Dr. Weisman today about how we give professionals all the tips of what they can do but we never talk about the toxicity of the systems that breed this, like the culture of medicine where we don't ask for help and being vulnerable is a sign of weakness and you have to be some superhero. She is passionate about creating environments that are supportive of the mental well-being of employees in order to maximize productivity and decrease turnover.
Find out more about Dr. Washington at her website, Dr. Nicole Psych
Check out her Amazon best-selling book, From Introspection to Action: The High-Level Professional’s 28 Day Journey to Improving Mental Health, and a recently launched podcast, The C-Suite Confidant.
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