Episode 187: AMWA Series - Gun Violence Prevention with Dr. Stephanie Bonne
Stephanie Bonne, MD is a Trauma and Critical Care Surgeon and Gun Violence Expert who tells her story on how came into this space.
Mentioned Links:
AMWA Gun Violence Task Force
AMWA Gun Violence TF Twitter @AMWAGVTF
THIS IS OUR LANE: An Open Letter to the NRA from American Healthcare Professionals (Sign on to the open letter co-authored by Gun Violence Task Force Drs. Ilana Rosman and Stephanie Bonne)
AFFIRM and AMWA Partnership
Dr. Bonne can be reached at stephanie.bonne@rutgers.edu.
“We know that children, women, minorities and those with mental health issues are more likely to be victimized. We know that the presence of a firearm in the home increases the risk of homicide or suicide to household members, particularly when there is also a history of mental illness or domestic violence. While these statistics are sobering, we also know that public health solutions work.”
3 Ways to Get Incredible Help at Low-Cost!!!
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Really dig into what you want for your life and your work and write it down.
Why do you want this?
What internally is holding you back? (fear, worry, not feeling like you deserve to have a great life, shame, feeling guilty, something in the past still has its claws in you, etc???)
What do you need to coach through to become the woman who lives this best life?
If you said, "fuck it! I'm doing it!" What would you be doing?
What externally is holding you back?
Who can you ask for help?
What type of accountability/structure must you have moving forward?
What needs to happen to move the needle?
If you really let go of all the stories in your head, what would the future (6 months, 1 year, x years) from now REALLY look like?