Episode 210: Resentment with Caitlin Donovan
Sometimes we need to go fringe to get out of our heads. Caitlin Donovan uses Chinese medicine to help her clients get out of the pit of depression and burnout. She has traveled a windy path to find her current career. We chat about a variety of topics that all come back to the overall theme, we all heal differently. Do what’s right for you!
As Caitlin says, there is still a bit of magic in this world. We have to harness it and help each other see more of it. She herself is truly a piece of that magic. Using Chinese medicine and acupuncture, she has seen people completely transform their lives.
But at the heart of it all is the beauty of the placebo effect. In all medicine, alternative or traditional, 30% of the healing process stems from the placebo. What does that mean? Taking the time and making the space for yourself to heal is just as important as which methods you use.
Caitlin shares a story about a man in China who had a massive stroke. They had to remove part of his skull because the blood clot was so large and he could no longer walk. Through intense acupuncture treatment, he was back on his feet within 30 days. In the United States, he would have been wheelchair bound.
So, do you believe in the magic behind healing? Listen in to hear all about Caitlin’s studies and stories and then take a minute to download her resentment journal. Everyone talks about practicing gratitude, but what if the first step is releasing resentment?
““Emotions are fine. It’s ignoring the emotions that are problematic.””
In this episode:
[02:01] It’s great to have you back on the show, Caitlin!
[02:30] Caitlin shares what has changed in the last year and what she’s doing now.
[05:36] Errin discusses the Resentment Journal and how much she likes it.
[07:08] Learn more about the Chinese medicine that she has studied.
[10:07] Ever considered acupuncture? Learn how it can help.
[12:20] Errin shares a story about a placebo and what she got out of it.
[14:00] Caitlin helped a person who had a massive stroke in China to walk in thirty days.
[18:13] Your kick of encouragement.
Find Caitlin:
The Bouncebackability Factor: End Burnout, Gain Resilience, and Change the World
2 Ways to Get Incredible Help at Low-Cost!!!
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