Episode 224: Non-Conformity with Doctors Rachael Holliday and Lindsay Moore-Ostby
Have you ever heard of Direct Primary Care providers? Neither had doctors Rachael Holliday and Lindsay Moore-Ostby, but when they did it changed their lives. Listen as they share their stories of burnout and how finding DPC has helped them take back their careers.
Lindsay and Rachael worked together in their previous practice. Unfortunately however they were at the mercy of their shareholders and the powers that be in their billing and patient care practices. (As are most of us right?)
They realized very early on that the way medicine and practice were being done was what was causing their burnout but they had no clue how to get out of it. At their lowest they’d both recognized why physicians often take their lives. Neither of them truly considered it for themselves, but even recognizing why it was appealing scared them both.
Later they found out about DPC and thought it was too good to be true. It wasn’t until they met other doctors doing the same thing that they realized this new method of patient care could work for them.
They buckled down and found a way to create their own DPC clinic and are now happier than ever. They can doctor their patients the way they want to. They can answer their own phones and really make connections with their patients. Both Lindsay and Rachael have now realized their original goal in pursuing medicine. To better the lives and health of others.
This was an amazing conversation with two brilliant primary care physicians. If you’ve been looking for a way out without leaving the dream of doctoring, you need to hear this. If you’d like to learn more, don’t be afraid to reach out and see how you too can make DPC work for you.
““As doctors we’re really good at jumping through hoops. We spent decades...learning how to play the game. How to get the grade. How to do what you have to do just to get to the next stage.””
In this episode:
[00:29] Welcome back friends!
[01:57] I’m so excited to welcome Rachael and Lindsay to chat about nonconformity.
[05:11] Learn more about their “Matrix” moment.
[07:46] Rachael shares more about their journey toward creating a better system.
[10:36] Lindsay digs deep into one of her worst burnout experiences.
[13:43] How the physician patient relationship started to break down.
[15:39] They’ve unplugged the Matrix and are now direct primary care doctors. Learn more.
[18:10] Why switching to DPC has been amazing for their health and happiness.
[21:22] It’s not just primary care that’s leaving the system.
[23:52] Primary care doesn’t have to be astronomically expensive.
[25:53] DPC is an amazing nonconforming physician led movement to take back medicine.
[27:13] It’s time for your kick of encouragement.
Find Dr. Rachael Holliday and Dr. Lindsay Moore-Ostby
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