Episode 78 — Errin Weisman DO -physician - life coach - podcaster-

Episode 78 Wisdom with Dr. Jacqueline Chan

Jacqueline Chan, DO MIM is an Integrative Holistic Medicine and Neuromusculokeletal Medicine physician who believes health means more than the absence from disease. Dr. Chan also serve as a core faculty member at the Academy of Intuition Medicine and discusses her course, Soul Anatomy.

In this episode, we talk about her non-traditional path to medicine, her continued path in medicine and how wisdom is about someone’s higher truth.


Sign up for a 10 minute consultation with Dr. Chan HERE

What’s the wisest thing to do here?
— Dr. Jacqueline Chan

Book a Call with Errin HERE

Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

Email: errinweisman@gmail.com


Coming soon :)

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