Errin Weisman, DO

Physician, Life Coach, Podcaster, Burnout Expert & Badass Mother all in one!

You were created for more!

Do you feel like your practice is sucking the life out of you but you’re not sure you want to quit? Do you think about finding a different job all the time but terrified or confused about your next steps? Do you just want to be happy with your life, your family and your career?

There's no more time for being miserable, hopeless or feeling helpless.

Navigating your life and your practice doesn’t have to leave you feeling anxious, exhausted or numb. You can stop wishing that you would get fired or hit by a Mack truck on your way to the office in order to have a way to change your life. Being a physician and mom doesn’t have to a slow form of torture. IT DOESN’T!

This is where I come in.

I know exactly how you feel! I do. Because in 2014, that was me! Empty, sad, trapped, desperate for change. Through coaching, I changed my life and my practice (read more of my story HERE). I now coach other female physicians because YOU DESERVE IT!

Change is possible and I can help.

Bring your biggest, hardest, stickiest problems to me. Maybe your problem is, “Should I stay or should I go?” Maybe it’s, “Why did I choose medicine and now it’s killing me inside! What do I do?” Maybe' it’s, “I’m just so overwhelmed and I don’t know what to do!?!”

I can help you handle all of that and MORE

Let's get started, friend.

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Welcome, Friend!

I do a lot of different things here but what you really need to know is HOW I CAN HELP YOU!

As a physician and life coach, I specifically...

  1. Coach physician colleagues through burnout. It all starts with awareness and I help you discovering the life you should be living rather than keep juggling the life you “thought you were suppose to live.” This happens one-on-one, in groups or through my self-published workbook program I call “Doctor Me First.”

  2. Teach women how to get back outside and play through Women in the Wild

  3. Coach working mothers to lean more into what they love, calm the chaos and seek the balance they desire through.

  4. My podcast Doctor Me First

  5. Speak on Burnout, Wholeness in Medicine and other various medical/wellness topics.

  6. Consult with healthcare systems/groups who are truly interested in changing healthcare by engaging in wholeness for their employees

  7. A Blog full of encouragement and particular ways to wellness

  8. Focus on business related issues and empower women to excel in the work place (check out my e-book “Asking for What You Need at Work”)

  9. Provide video content on wide variety of topics

  10. Virtual and in person meetings through Female Physician Mastermind Group, Women in Medicine and more

  11. Creater of Physician Coaching Alliance

I can help you change your life by planning your work, working your plan, so that you come out on the other side of burnout dancing.

 Want to talk in person to see if this is too good to be true? I would love to talk directly with you. No selling or pitches. Let’s just talk!

Proud Affiliate of The REST Technique

Use code: DOCTORMEFIRST for 10% off!

I’m also a Proud Physician Supporter of these Great Businesses: